Package of four jet fighter 3D models is published in Unity Asset Store!
It is a package of four famous modern jet fighters, made above all for arcade and semi-realistic games, like Limit Load. These four jets, MiG-21, MiG-29, F-4E and F-16, are very similar to their counterparts that are used in Limit Load. However jets are built from scratch, according to real blueprints, in order for some errors to be fixed here and there, as well as to avoid any potential problem with licences. Only MiG-29 is inspired directly by the model from Limit Load, which served as the role-model and also as model for Blender-learning many years ago.
Of significant help in building these jets, were two 3D artists:
Leo Jones (MIG-21, F-4E)
Michael Colina “Michael Ben David” (F-16)
Somewhat unexpected, making these jets was quite difficult venture, but hopefully more packages will follows :)